LET'S START!   

Step 1:
Cut the shape of the hook: use a circular saw or saw off the desired shape with the saw. Make sure you handle the tool safely and wear goggles and gloves.

Step 2:
Use a file or sandpaper to trim the edges of the hooks so that they are smooth and burr-free.

Step 3:
Use a file or sandpaper to trim the edges of the hooks so that they are smooth and burr-free.

Step 4:
Use a pencil to mark the locations on the hooks where holes are to be drilled. Use a cordless drill and a suitable size drill bit to drill the holes in the marked positions.

Step 5:
Fasten the wood blocks with quick action clamps and nail them into the shape of a hook.Fix the screws with a drilling rig.

Step 6:
Choose a suitable location and fix the hooks using screws and walls.

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